The page you were looking for has moved, but we're sure you'll find the information you need below.

- Saginaw Dentist
- Our Practice
- Paul Schmidt, DDS
- Our Team
- Philosophy of Care
- Mission Statement
- Office Information
- Forms
- Reviews
- Services
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Dental Bonding
- Cosmetic Fillings
- Crowns and Bridges
- Specialty Dentures
- Dental Implants
- Dental Veneers
- Teeth Whitening
- Relaxation Dentistry
- Nitrous Oxide
- Oral Sedation
- Preventative Dentistry
- Dental Cleanings
- Dental Exams
- Scaling
- Polishing
- X-Rays
- Diagnodent Pen
- Orthophos SL/AI by Sirona
- ELECTROtorque plus - Brushless Electric System
- Dental Problems
- Abscessed Tooth
- Bad Breath
- Cavities and Tooth Decay
- Dry Mouth
- Fluorosis
- Gum Disease
- Impacted Wisdom Teeth
- Oral Cancer
- Periodontal Disease
- Plaque
- Sensitive Teeth
- Teeth Grinding
- Toothaches
- General Dentistry
- Adult Care and Prevention
- Advanced Dental Technology
- Children Care and Prevention
- Same Day Care
- Treatment
- Invisalign
- Extractions
- Root Canal
- Sealants
- Appointment Request
- Financing
- Contact Us